Funny that I wait for my phone to ring
Though I haven’t the slightest clue, what to say to you
I don’t even know you, but I want to say I love you
I want to say I’ll be here for you, I’ll wait for you
Care for you, breathe for you, and smile for you
I do that every minute of the day you know,
Smile for you.
Rub my feet against yours again
Clasp my hand and squeeze again
Embrace me and hold me tight for once
Kiss my brow and find my pouty lips
Touch my stomach and don’t be afraid to feel my heart
I won’t question if you want to go further
I want to find you, be with you
Fly with you to a far away land
Fall in love with you and blow away your mind.
Please don’t make it stop, freeze time instead
Please don’t burst my bubble, don’t make a sound
Let me marinate, just a while longer
I don’t care if you reciprocate, just don’t ruin it for me
I believe, let me believe
I don’t ask for much, just let me breathe
Breathe you in, dream of you, play with you,
Stay with you, stare at you, and sleep with you. Kiss you.