I don’t know what to feel, the floods washed away the emotions left,
But glad the storm is over.
Of course there is the aftermath,
But I smile for I weathered the storm
I knew it would come, the storm; I saw it coming
But had no way of stopping it, I couldn’t
I am just thankful for the calm after the storm.
I sat and waited, minute after second
Patiently, I watched as he torched
All I thought we had; correction …all we had
Then as if to comfort me, I tell me
At least I dared to dream, about peaches and cream
Of sun and sand, basking, in front of a playing band
Of good times, speaking in rhymes
Counting our blessings, stolen blessings
I was not interested in the war, but the war in me
I didn’t know how to defend myself, but I went to battle
Armed with nothing, but a vest of faith
A sword of pain and anger from a failed union
Walking off the boulevard of broken dreams
My warriors meet his
I see through his blue eyes the pain, the caution, the fear, the insecurity
I hope my wry smile tells of the hope, the chance, the possibility, the destiny
Jumping off the cliff of daunting doubts
His worries meet mine
And I see a ray of sunshine in the Friday storm
For a second there, the mist disappears and the fog lifts
I see the face of man in pursuit of happiness
I am the form of a woman ready for love.