I had a dream about me and you were not in it; his presence in your absence is peculiar.
I day dream about you and dream about him; unconsciously his yet consciously yours is curious.
Eyes closed I see him and awake there you are; that you are the lights yet he illuminates is mysterious.
What you see when we lock eyes I want to know; the sparkle in his or the twinkle in mine?
What is it you discern when we hold close; his heart throbbing or mine skipping?
What about us makes you blue; that he is the burglar or I am the stolen diamond?
You sing to my crust and he speaks to my core; I am body and soul.
He says I am gorgeous and you think I am poised; I am bold and beautiful.
Without you it is completely dark and him away I am glum; I am black and blue.
I have but I want; albeit what you are not.
I need yet I have; although what he is not.
Yours, Truly his.
her presence in your absence is peculiar..word