Strumming my chords of weakness, you!
Simultaneously breaking and making
My heart.
Have mercy I scream, drowning
Beneath the sound of your ignorance
So blissful
I can't, no I won't do this anymore
If I had a choice
I would walk away, into oblivion
so far
from this pain of you, I inflict on me
Cool calm collect, so together, you!
never realising, never seeing
I say never again, ever
But how forever can I stay
I can't, no I won't linger here
If I could
Leave I would but where is my
When I more than need him
betrayal of one's feelings to oneself, of one's head
to one's heart.
My heart, why, couldn't you pick
on one,
One that requites, one that feels
the same,
As I, why, did you have to reach for
what you can't
No I can't, I won't play this games
No more.
Behold Johnnie seats crying
See Sam outdoes himself phone
After call after, why not return
Can't you, you want to but why
Won't you
I can't, no I won't settle for that which
is available
Just because it is, I will pain instead
hoping helplessly that I find, you!
Something is wrong with the world,
My world,
It don't spin right, it don't tilt right,
it orbits
Around all that is so rightfully wrong
as if, guided, misled, directed by a blind
yet all knowing, truth, true north
True, yes true to you, you!
Rest come to me, content please, I welcome
forgetfulness, nothingness
I'd rather die than fight, not,
I want, yet I can't let go of you
I need strength, to unclench
I won't, I can't turn off my life support
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